Gasno zavarivanje

Gas welding (GMAV), by definition, is an arc welding process that produces metal coalescence by heating an arc between the auxiliary metal electrode and the part. The process uses gas protection from the outside to protect the molten weld pool. Application GMAV generally requires DC + (reverse) polarity of the electrode.In non-standard terminology, GMAV is […]

Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) program focused on robust mechanical modeling and design. Developed by Autodesk, it is used for design communication, mechanical design, product simulation, tool creation, documentation, visualization, and digital prototyping. This allows users to develop 3D models to exact specifications to help them visualize, design, and simulate products and […]

Podkonstrukcije ventilisanih fasada

Standardne fasade Po svojoj osnovnoj funkciji fasada predstavlja zaštitini omotač sa primarnim zadatkom da obezbedi najbolju moguću toplotnu izolaciju unutarašnjeg prostora i zaštiti ga od nepovoljnih spoljašnjih uticaja. Po svojoj osnovnoj funkciji fasada predstavlja zaštitini omotač sa primarnim zadatkom da obezbedi najbolju moguću toplotnu izolaciju unutarašnjeg prostora i zaštiti ga od nepovoljnih spoljašnjih uticaja. U […]